Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Proving Ones Honor in The Iliad by Homer Essay - 835 Words

The Iliad is a story about the war between the Trojans and the Greeks. They believe that if you fight in a war, this is how you prove ones honor and integrity, but to not fight would show cowardice or fear. During this time, the males were trained from a young age to assume a major role in the war efforts (Rosenberg, 1999, p. 119). The most powerful warriors in this story were Hector and Achilles. Both men were given the title of heroes and displayed great power, skills and courage. But the values of Hector and Achilles were very different from one another and very different from the people of today’s society. Dignity, pride, honor, glory, fame, and revenge are very important to these people as it still is today, but it is achieved in a†¦show more content†¦Achilles then asks his mother to convince Zeus to honor him at the cost of the Greeks. He wants the Greeks to be defeated in battle so that they realize how important Achilles was to them and so that they will honor and respect him as their greatest warrior and most important leader. Zeus grants the wish of Thetis and the battle begins to change dramatically. In many cultures, honor and manliness go together. Honor lost was manhood lost. Because honor was such a central aspect of a man’s masculine identity, men would go to great lengths to win honor and not lose respect. In today’s society, honor means being true to a set of personal ideals, or being a person of integrity. Men are often told to â€Å"man up†, which means to show strength and courage. There are a few groups in today’s society that still consider honor to be a worthwhile goal. Our military, police departments and fire departments are all considered an honorable profession. Even our criminal gangs have a code of honor that they must live by. The Iliad is based solely on the Gods and religion and takes place during the tenth year of war between the Greeks and the Trojans. There is great emphasis on fate and the will of the Gods and it stresses the importance of showing great respect to the Gods. To not thank, praise and glorify the Gods guarantees destruction and ill fate. There is also the importance of statingShow MoreRelatedAchilles and Homer1298 Words   |  6 PagesGreek/ Roman 3 June 2011 Homer and The Impact He Has Left Behind Homer can be said one of the greatest poets perhaps even literarily genius of all time. If you can get past the part that Homer may or not even be a person at all. There is no concrete knowledge of even his existence but scholars would say that it is safe to assume if he did existed it would be around 8-9 century BCE. Most likely he would be from the Island of Chios due to the writing style of the Iliad. 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